Aura Colors

Importance of your Aura & Aura Colors and Their Meanings

We all have different colors in our Aura and they can change on a daily basis. Our goal should be to nourish our Aura and keep that energy field healthy and strong.

Here are the different colors found in your Aura and their meaning:

Red – The color red is associated with the Root or Base Chakra. Red in your aura is associated with strong connections, safety, your passions and desires. Seeing the color red in your aura means you are grounded balanced & have strong physical vitality. Lighter colors of red such as pink, are associated with feelings of love. Darker colors (such as brown/black) mixed with red can indicate blockages or trapped energy. These muddy colors of red often indicate low energy frequencies, fear and even poor health.

Orange – The color orange is associated with the Sacral Chakra. A bright, clear and vibrant orange color is associated with happiness, joy creativity, vitality & good health. These are people that live life to the fullest and are very happy and joyful! People with bright orange in their aura can tune into their emotions very easily. These people tend to be charismatic and charming. People with muddied orange in their aura may indicate depression, addiction, and deception.

Yellow – The color yellow is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. When a person has bright yellow in their aura, it indicates they are comfortable in their own skin and with what they want in life. These people are self-disciplined, patient, optimistic, friendly, intelligent, confident, and responsible. Light yellow is associated with psychic abilities and a spiritual journey or awakening. An amber/yellow in the aura can indicate issues with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and rigidness.

 Green – Is associated with the Heart Chakra. These people generally compassionate and loving. They are often team players and they are often easy to trust, harmonious and get along with other people. Green is usually found in people that enjoy helping others and is often found in the auras of teachers, healers and people in the human services field. The color green also has to do with prosperity. People with green in their aura do best when they are in nature. Darker green colors have to do with unhealthy emotions such as greed, envy and jealousy.

 Blue – Is associated with the Throat Chakra. People with Blue in their aura possess strong communication, tranquility, empathy, loyalty, devotion and wisdom. Often people with the color blue in their aura have the gift of clairaudience, which is the ability to receive information from higher beings such as your angels and guides. People with blue in their aura are people that can often remain calm in a crisis. Dark, muddy blue in your aura indicates not speaking your truth or even telling people what you really think, and what they want to hear, for fear that they will get mad at you. Muddy blue can indicate dishonesty, and people who have trouble “taking control” of things in their life. Muddy blue can also indicate hyperactivity.

Indigo – The color Indigo is associated with the Third Eye Chakra. These people often have access to higher spiritual realms. They are creative people and tend to be visionaries. These people tend to be psychic/mediums. They get much insight from their dreams and often receive message from the spirit world during dream time. Excess indigo indicates that the person is ungrounded and or overly sensitive to their surroundings and people around them.

Purple – Is associated with the Crown Chakra. It is associated with the pituitary gland, the pineal gland and the nervous system. These people are visionaries on the highest level and often can change the world.

Silver- The color silver is associated with abundance, great physical & spiritual health. This color, like gold, is very positive and has to do with spiritual vibrations.

Gold- People with gold in their aura are often protected by angels and guides. These people have magnetic personalities, they are highly talented and disciplined.

Brown- is associated with being afraid to let go & not being able to share or open up to others.

Black- is associated with negativity and is also associated with disease or illness.

Grey- is associated blocked energy. These are people that are suspicious of others and they do not trust anyone.

Rainbow colors- Rainbow colors in people’s aura are associated with people that are healers and light workers. These people are highly connected to the spirit world or the Fifth dimension (which is heaven). These people tend to be lightworkers.

White- White in people’s aura are associated with the Crown Chakra. It indicates purity, peace, wisdom and being connected to higher angelic realms.  


Importance of a Balanced Aura:

When your aura is balanced you feel good.  You may have a lot of energy and feel good about life in general. Other people around you can feel your aura too and be affected by it. When it is balanced, you may give off a magnetic, positive, and bright energy that people enjoy being around. If your aura is depleted others may shut down and may not be attracted to your energy. Cleansing your energy on a regular basis is important. It is crucial to remove old energies, energy blocks, feelings, beliefs and emotions that no longer serve us. Cleansing your aura, home and workplace help us to restore positive balance and uplift us.

The size of your aura changes depending on the status of your physical body. Your aura may shrink in size if you are sick, experience stress or lack of sleep. Your aura increases in size when you exercise and move around. Your aura also expands when you are happy, excited, when you meditate and even when you are angry.

The colors in your aura can change daily. You may even have more than one color in your aura.

Please look for the my next blog which will look at different ways to heal your Aura.

Jamie Lynn