Aura Healing


Aura Healing

There are many ways to heal your aura. It is recommended that you cleanse yourself and your auric field regularly.

You can use the following to heal your aura:

Sage-sage your home and yourself regularly. Make sure to sage the four corners of each room of your place.

Crystals- Amethyst and Moon stone help to cleanse your energy and help transmute negative energy.

Sunlight-Getting in the sun for 10 minutes a day can help to heal your aura. Remember to always wear sunblock. Get a medical doctors opinion first and never sit in the sun for very long.

Practice positivity- Use positive affirmations everyday, such as “I am worthy of the best life possible.” “I am worthy of healing and embracing loving energy.” I am safe and I am taken care of.”

Surround yourself with positive people. Get rid of negative people and emotional vampires that drain your energy.

Footbath and or a relaxing bath-take care of yourself with a footbath or relaxing bath with ½ cup Epsom salt and 5 drops of lavender essential oil and warm water.

Breathing exercise- Taking slow deep breaths in and out (from your diaphragm) a few times a day, helps relieve stress and enables you to let go out things that may stay stagnant in your aura.

Connect with nature-go for a walk and connect with nature. Take in the sights and beauty of nature. Enjoy the time away from the hustle and bustle!

Meditate-Mediate daily even for 10 minutes. The channel Divine White Light on YouTube is great for a quick healing meditation! The meditations also give you distant reiki, which can give an added benefit to meditation. 

Implementing these techniques regularly can help you to keep your aura clean and keep your energy clear.

Jamie Lynn