The Art of Positive Thinking

A positive attitude will get you anywhere! Being positive and looking at the best in situations will help you make it through any problems you may face. Studies have shown that people that have a positive attitude live longer than their negative counterparts. I know that we cannot avoid negative things, they are a part of life. We can however, change how we respond to negative things that happen to us. Ask yourself what if any positive aspects you can gain from the situation. Ask yourself what important life lesson have you gained from unpleasant or negative situations that you have been through in life. Most likely negative situation that we have faced have made us stronger. There are several ways to maintain a positive attitude.

  1. Daily affirmations: Use a positive daily affirmation when you wake up every morning. Example: ” I will have a great day today!” “I am strong enough to face anything!” “I am good enough and people value me.” “Things will work out better than expected.”

  2. Practice a daily meditation. Researchers have shown that meditating daily positively changes our brain activity. It also helps us maintain good physical health.

  3. Smile! Smiling is important even if you have having a bad day. Smiling can change our outlook and help us feel better. Smiling at others is helpful too!

  4. Someone gave this to me a few years ago and I keep it in my desk: Believe! Believe in yourself and your dreams! Believe that good things can happen! Believe in yourself, In the power you have to control your own life day by day, Believe in the strength that you have deep inside and your faith will help you show the way. Believe in tomorrow and what it will bring, let a hopeful heart carry you through. For things will work out if you trust and believe. There is no limit what you can do! Author Unknown

A positive attitude and believing in yourself can positively impact you. Taking a few minutes each day to be grateful and thankful can help you! Believe and stay positive. That is my wish for you!

Jamie Lynn