Keep the faith

Keep the Faith

Psychic readings..they are supposed to be fun and positive right??

Lets keep them that way! When you are open and positive, the messages come in positive and clearly! Some people that I work with get TONS of messages in the readings!!! I believe this is due to the fact that their energy is POSITIVE AND their chakras are OPEN!

Remember that psychics, lightworkers and empaths read energy..keep your energy CLEAR. Especially before a reading.

Sometimes, the messages may not make sense but please keep an open mind.

I am not here to “get to the bottom of things”, I only tell you what I see. Stop overthinking things and let them happen!

Some people jump from psychic to psychic, grasping at straws because “it just isn’t happening fast enough.”

Having faith in the unseen is recommended when consulting a psychic.

Remember: you are what you attract!

What we do is not considered “normal” and it may not make sense in the physical world.

Sometimes we want things that are difficult to obtain. Somethings that we wish for take time. Remember, there are other people’s energy involved in the predictions. Some predictions take longer than other predictions. Also, have you examined your energy? If things are not may need to evaluate yourself. Do you have blocks? Do you need to be cleared to allow new and good things to come in? Are you around toxic people who are holding you back from what you deserve???!!!!

Years ago, I read an older lady named “Stella” from the Greatest Generation. She was the sweetest lady. She came to me after her husband Franklin passed away. I told her that in two years, she would meet a special man and get married again. She was shocked. She said, “no one with ever replace my Franklin…but dear, if that is what you see…I will have faith in what spirit tells you.” A little over two years later, Stella met George. George had been a widower for five years. They instantly hit it off and fell in love. She was so surprised how her predictions came true over the years! She was very respectful, and she had a positive attitude. It was a great time because Stella did not have a cell phone, a computer or social media. She trusted the messages! She did not run onto social media and look at her love interest’s Facebook Page. She saw him at Sunday Bingo and trusted that his heart was with her. She did not have to put a tracking app on his cell phone to see where he was going. If he said he was going up to the fishing cabin with his old Army buddies, that’s where she trusted he was. He called her when he could when he was away. She did not whine wondering why he did not look at her Instagram story or why he did not respond to her last text message! She was very patient and told me that things will happen when they happen. It was nice because she let things fall into place…and they did! I did not have to reassure her countless times that her predictions would happen. She went easy on me…Thank goodness. It was refreshing when I would call her. She was very positive and happy about the future. I saw a wedding for Stella and George and he did propose. They were married for 10 years. They both entered a nursing home at the same time a few years later. At this point she did not want to know her future anymore. We talked on the phone once a week and would laugh and joke. George passed away a year after they entered the nursing home. I still kept in touch with Stella and would call her every morning just to say hi. One spring night she called me before bed..I heard a dove in the background cooing. She said she had her window open.. I had a feeling this would be our last talk. When I hung up the phone I had a lump in my throat and my eyes welled up with tears. The next morning did not feel right…I did ring Stella’s room and the nurse answered. She told me that Stella passed away last night…. My heart sank! I will never forget Stella. She was such a nice lady and she had faith in the future. I am glad that I had the experience of reading Stella. It was interesting reading someone who was old school and let things happen naturally! I still feel that Stella is around me giving me strength.

Remember, many things are unexplained! Being a paranormal investigator, I understand that hands down!

Things to remember:

·       Good things take time.

·       Have faith in the unseen.

·       Doubt brings blocks.

·      Negativity brings blocks.

·     Keep an open mind.

·       Be respectful of those who chose to share their gifts with you.

·       Timing is not always set in stone because God/a higher power controls time.

Jamie Lynn