The Root Chakra

The first chakra is known as the root chakra or Muladhara which in Sanskrit means “foundation.” The root chakra keeps us grounded and rooted. It has to do with the early formations of our identity and self and our sense of belonging. It has to do with her basic needs like being safe and it’s associated with our survival instincts. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. It has to do with the color red.
When the root chakra can become blocked due to trauma and or psychological issues. A blocked root chakra can cause us to have issues in our personal relationships.
You can heal and strengthen your root chakra through energy work, eating certain foods, using essential oils, healing crystals, doing Yoga and using affirmations.
Foods that help open your root chakra include root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, beets, onions, peanuts, beans, meat, tofu, eggs and parsnips. Yoga poses that open you root chakra include: child pose, mountain pose and the warrior pose.
The following essential oils help open and keep the root chakra healthy: cedarwood, frankincense, myrrh and cinnamon.
The root chakra deals with the adrenal glands, blood, bladder, kidneys, feet, legs, teeth and bones. If your route chakra is blocked you could have issues in those areas. The mantra associated with the root chakra is “I am.”
Stones that help balance and heal the root chakra are: smoky quartz, hematite, tiger’s eye, bloodstone, garnet and red jasper.
Root chakra affirmations:
“I am connected to my physical body,”
“I feel safe and cared for.”
“I am grounded, stable and secure and I am able to stand on my own in life.”
“I am confident of my successes in life.”
“I am emotionally strong.”
I am financially secure.”
“I am worthy of love and abundance.”
“I am strong and independent.”

Jamie Lynn