I have been calling Jamie for years and she is very accurate. A few months ago I came to California for a week to visit relatives from the east coast. Two days before I left California to go back home, I went to Disneyland. I went on the Indiana Jones ride one hour before the park closed. On the ride, my new Iphone 11 flew out of my pocket! I went to lost and found at Disneyland to report it missing. They told me that after the park closed they would look for it. I had to leave without my phone. I was so upset and I went back to my hotel and called Jamie from the room phone. She told me that the Lost and Found would call the very next morning and my phone would be found and turned in perfect condition with no scratches. The lady in lost in found told me that only 25% of phones are found and if they are found, they could get mangled by being stuck in the rides gears. Jamie was very adamant that I would find my phone. The next morning I received an email from the Lost and Found at Disneyland and guess what??!! They found my phone!!!!! I went to pick up my phone and it was in perfect condition. I want to thank Jamie for reassuring me that I would find my phone. Jamie is amazing. The day after Disney found my phone, I had to fly back to the east coast. As my plane took off into the clouds I thanked the angels and I thanked them to for putting Jamie in my life.